Steps For Root Canal Treatment and When Do You Need it ?

Steps for Root Canal Treatment

Myth –Root Canal treatment is often considered one the most painful dental treatments. Truth – But the truth is a good Root Canal Treatment can help relieve severe dental pain. It is done to treat the damage caused by the cavity, which cannot otherwise be treated with standard filings procedures. When a cavity extends to the pulp of your tooth and creates an infection, root canals are recommended. It is also advised to treat severe dental sensitivity.
The multiple steps involved in root canal treatment helps to relieve the patient’s toothache and help to preserve the affected tooth. The add-on advantage to the Root Canal treatment it is still less expensive than extracting a tooth and replacing it with a bridge or a dental implant. Most importantly, one cannot deny the fact that a root canal helps to conserve your natural tooth making it more durable and functional than a prosthetic bridge can.

Root Canal Treatment:

Most people in India visit a dental clinic only when they are facing acute tooth pain. Sometimes the ignorance of a small issue leads to many severe problems in the long term. A small cavity in the enamel may or may not cause sensitivity or pain. However, if it reaches to the most sensitive part of the tooth, which is the pulp, it can cause infection and severe pain.

The pulp of a tooth is connected to nerves and blood vessels (veins and arteries). When the pulp is exposed, either through tooth decay or injury, severe pain is more likely to be experienced. This is when a Root Canal Treatment is recommended to save your tooth from being extracted. Without having to extract the tooth, Root Canal Treatment can help relieve the symptoms. Root canal treatment, when performed with the right instrumentation and medications, is quite a smooth and comfortable procedure.

The steps of Root canal treatment includes:
Cleaning of root canals
Shaping of root canals
Filling of root canals
Restoration of the tooth
Post-treatment care

The dentist generally prescribes painkillers and antibiotics based on the condition of the tooth, pain threshold intensity, and immunity. The treatment begins with local anesthesia around the tooth area to make it numb so that the patient is comfortable during the procedure.

The patient experiences very little or no pain during root canal therapy. After the tooth has been anesthetized, the dentist begins the procedure as follows:

Dentists gently remove the decay from the tooth until they reach the pulp chamber, where they examine the canals. The canals are enlarged with the help of specialized tools, and intracanal medicaments are used to ensure that the canal is properly cleaned and the infected pulp is completely removed, leaving no infection in the tooth. Each tooth is unique, and each RCT is unique as well.

Once the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist proceeds with the shaping of the canals. Very careful and precise instrumentation is done to shape the canals so that they can be disinfected and filled.

The canals are filled with root canal filling, which is usually a thermoplastic material called gutta-percha to ensure that no space is left behind, preventing any bacterial reinfection.

Restoration of the tooth:
The tooth is filled with permanent cement when the root canal is completed. To ensure that the tooth lasts longer after root canal treatment, it is covered with a crown.

Post-treatment care: Good oral hygiene followed by a doctor’s advice will help you to give your root canal treatment a smooth and speedy recovery.

Root canal treatment can be completed in one or multiple settings depending on the extent of the infection. If a single sitting root canal treatment is suggested, the patient can choose that well.
A dentist examines and evaluates whether a standard filing or a Root canal treatment is required to treat an affected tooth. Patients’ symptoms are carefully evaluated to determine a treatment plan.

Healthy teeth are the key to a healthy smile. Root Canal treatment is suggested to improve and enhance the life of a damaged tooth, which cannot be done by a standard filling technique. The story of successful Root canal treatment lies behind the positive attitude of the patient with a joint effort of an expert dentist whom you trust.

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